Good Morning party peeps, this is tha veteran comin’ to ya live from Los Angeles. So, I just moved into a new landing and as you may have experienced yourself, when you move it is a time for you to “see” everything that you own. While this is not an itemized list that I am about to share with you-that would be creepy-I will share with you my thoughts around quality. My brother is a big donator of old clothes. Invariably, what he is absolutely in love with and must purchase in January gets a very stern visual scrutiny in November. Lol, I love it. I have been the recipient of two very nice three quarter fine wool peacoat’s due to his process of elimination. I myself am a little more extreme. On my recent move I decided I no longer wanted my bed. That’s it. It’s not what I want in my new place, it’s out of here. Same with some pots and pans you know the ones that are utilitarian but not at all fly. They had to go as well. I’m currently staring at my silverware, my plates and all of my mismatched glassware…it has to bounce immediately. There was a time when none of this mattered, or more truthfully it wasn’t noticed. When you want to sleep there is a bed to sleep on-check. When you want to eat you can cook and plate your food-check. But, its funny, as you get older and you work harder you need home base to be a sanctuary. You need to surround yourself in quality as an answer for what you get up and do everyday. Take for instance your sheet game. Have you investigated your sheet game lately? Let me tell share with you what opened my eyes. I was seeing this woman who had just purchased a king sized bed and we were shopping for sheets for her. Being who I am I cruised the isles checking for size and price. Being who she is she only moved into price after THREAD COUNT. She refused to lay on anything  other than 100% cotton. No blends and nothing under 900 thread count which isn’t even the softest flyest thread count you can have but it was her line in the sand. She would not shower and slide into a bed with sheets that felt like paper. Which is what the lower thread counts feel like. Standing in the store discussing this I did not have any kind of revelation..later laying in that bed, on those sheets, under a down comforter, on 100% down pillows, the revelation was complete. This is how you are supposed to sleep. This is what a Sunday morning late wake up after a week of three am wake ups for work is supposed to feel like. You work and therefore you should enjoy some quality in your home. Now for the rub. Quality cost money. Down is more expensive than polyester. 900 count cost more than 200 count. There’s a track called the “London Skit” on the Rick Ross Rich Forever mix tape where someone is describing his cashmere socks..”100 dollars a sock two ankles you do tha math, pulled them on socks on first followed by the loafers and I know that from that day, that week, that month, that millennium that we gon be rich forever, rich forever.” Ha, I love that shit. Now, in closing in case you think ya boy tha vet is on some flossy floss for others bullshit-let me correct your thinking. Let us leave cashmere socks and venture into the world of toilet paper. Yes fool-toilet paper. You ever stood in that isle staring at your options and having the most sensible, practical, budget conscious of thoughts, “Word, twelve 1 ply rolls for thirty-five cents, I’ll stock up and wipe forever!” Yeah, you have. But my challenge to you is to think of your ass, you only get one ass. Why would you subject it to 1 ply? Spend the money and get that quilted 2 ply butter soft thick as a t-shirt shit. Yes, you will only be able to get four rolls for the price of the twelve 1 ply’s but you must trust me on this-you’ll feel better. The socks, the toilet paper, the towels, the sheets, the pillows, the comforter, the shirts, all of it makes you feel better and when do we do our best work? When we feel good. Of course, naturally you will have a painful thought as you seek out, find and realize you can’t afford tha better quality products-You need to make more scrill…but that conversation will have to wait for next time.

Get ya mind (and ya sheet game) right,

Tha Veteran